Last week I ventured out into Valparaìso to get a better feel for the city and to venture up the hills. I ended up finding a sign for the house of Pablo Neruda ... which I knew was nearby but hadn't really planned to walk right to it.
Well, I didn't exactly walk right to it ... it took me about 25 minutes to walk up the hills to the house. The view was definitely worth it and I was able to get a better feel for how people were living in Valpo. I felt very fortunate to be in Viña, where besides not keeping there houses warm most people live in very good conditions. Of course I found out that the program is putting on a tour this weekend to his house ... but I'm going to go anyways and spend time with the friends I've made in my program, and enjoy a big lunch!
Other things that happened in the last few days ... Patty's husband Antonio was home over the weekend which was great. He is a really nice guy and very funny as well. We were at lunch Saturday and a friend of Patty's and Antonio started quite the heated debate about politics. Of course understanding more than 40% of the conversation would have been nice but it was still interesting to sit through.
Saturday night my friend Rodrigo invited me to a friend's apt. and told me to invite friends which began with the two girls who live closest to me and then from there more or less snowballed to being about a dozen students in my program at this great apartment with a dozen Chileans and an amazing view of the cityscape. Of course we ended up wandering around the city a bit and finding more students along the way ... I ended up at a bar/restaurant with a cheese empanada so it was quite successful indeed : )
The pictures I am posting along with this entry are of Valparaìso - Neruda´s house, houses on the hills, and street art. Enjoy.