Wednesday, July 25, 2007

The Stars

Last night most of the students and I went to a bar/restaurant in Viña called Cafe Journal, doesn't sound very Chilean right? Well it was a pretty interesting place, long wooden tables and benches flanked this bar which was more or less decorated with cut-outs from magazines ... more often then not of girls not wearing much. But regardless it was really nice to get out of the orientation setting and really talk with the other students. We chatted it up with two Chileans who ended up at our table, and although conversation was limited it was nice to get a chance to really speak the language.

Today was my second day at the Universidad Pontifica de Valparaíso, which is where I will be studying this semester. In small groups we worked on getting our Student Visas approved through the school and had a tour of the campus. It's hard to explain Valparaíso ... it's a very colorful city, hundreds of houses line the hills facing the Pacific and every one is a new color. I have yet to explore Valparaíso much, but hopefully in the coming days I will be able to post some pictures which better convey how interesting and beautiful the city is.

From the little computer room here I can see a perfect sunset over the ocean and the first bright stars of the evening.

It has been amazing to talk to my family a bit the last two days and hopefully I'll figure out a better and cheaper way to call soon. I have yet to find any postcards and I'm sure there must be a place for us tourists somewhere :)

Still lots to figure out, but so far so good.

"Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they are always there."

buenas noches -- irene

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