Now you have a reference point, especially when you think "How could she hit her head?" Well, I had my last sailing class and it we went out with a bang! Figuratively. Living on the coast has it's advantages and disadvantages, one of the few disadvantages being that the sky doesn't seem to clear up until at least 12noon. Every class we had grey, overcast skies with little wind. The little wind part I appreciated, it meant that we would more or less float around on our sail boats, opposed to flying around : )
This class I woke up peaked out the window and was pleasantly surprised to find a blue sky! A little less pleasantly surprised to realize how windy it was! Quick recap of all previous classes ... I'm a big scaredy cat, and frustrations have been running high, especially with our instructor who after 7 classes calls us all by the wrong names (there are only 8 people, 4 of whom are either named Christian or Christan).
Well I paired up with a friend from COPA and we did great! It was amazing how fast the wind was changing directions and really making it dificult but we managed. All the other boats (ok, I already told you there aren't many people in my class) toppled over taking hard turns. It was probably the only day I would have been ok with falling in, but the ocean is cold! Falling in is never ideal. Two other girls from the class told us afterward that they couldn't believe we hadn't fallen in. We definitely had a close call where our boat was literally sideways with high pitch screams of fear coming from me : ) Somehow we balanced long enough to get the boat back down safely and stayed dry the whole class!
I also had the Don Quijote musical last night! Differences I found going to the theater here ...

2. No orchestra, there was definitely an orchestra pit so perhaps because this is a traveling musical it just doesn't have the resources to have live music.
3. No intermission. Not loss here, I just started getting nervous after 2 hours thinking ... if there is still an intermission coming ...
4. Musical theater becomes karoake for some! Because this is such an important show for spanish speaking countries the songs were already known by most and meant that they joined in to help the cast : ) The friend I went with said, "I couldn't tell if it was just the acoustics but there might have been someone singing behind me" ... something tells me it wasn't the acoustics.
The music was absolutely beautiful and the actors did an amazing job. The municipal theater was remarkably grandiose with balconies that reminded me of Ford's theater. Watching the show in spanish was fun, I definitely didn't understand everything but I got the "gist" of it. Listening to the songs I kept thinking ... would this be as beautiful in english? I'm sure with a great piece of music the songs are just as lovely but ... something about having them sung in a foreign language ... maybe it's like going to the opera.
So I've got a really short week - 2 classes! Yeah, poor me : ) Wednesday is the Peru vs. Chile game and I'm hoping that we win because yesterday Argentina beat Chile 2-0 and the country is feeling a little down. Thursday I'm off to Mendoza!! Can't wait!! Hopefully I'll have some pictures up after the game but if not definitely after Mendoza.
Until then. Hoping the postcards are finding you!
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