Thursday, November 15, 2007


Yesterday around noon there was a 7.7 magnitude earthquake in the north of Chile. There have been two deaths linked to the quake and a tunnel caved in trapping 50 workers. Luckily the workers were rescued and I believe they are all safe. I didn't feel the quake at all, some of my friends did but we are so much further south that I really didn't know about it happening right away.

I'm leaving this evening to spend the weekend in Concepción which is 8 hours south, luckily I have already visited the north of Chile and don't have to risk heading back.

Hoping all is well and sending my best --

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that is too bad you didn't get a chance to feel the earthquake. Glad to hear you're ok but to experience the ground shaking for the first time is strangely exciting.