It only takes about an hour and fifteen minutes from TÃ¥strup (our town outside of Copenhagen) to get there. We were very close to the German border and apparently these little villages see a lot of German tourists because of the fact that they don't have many beaches of their own.
It is interesting also that having a summer house in Denmark is more or less commonplace. My host parents asked me if it were something that is true in the states as well.
I explained that it is common for people in the states to take holidays which may include a type of timeshare ... but that in my opinion the fact that most of the population sees 2 weeks of vacation a year doesn't make having a second home very plausible (among other reasons). This is contrasted by the six weeks a year that Danish citizens receive. I also brought up that some families (mine included) escape winter with a vacation outside of the states - cruises, for example. Again it is hard to generalize the vacation habits of a population so geographically diverse. If you look at Minnesota residents it is more likely that they are spending their winters some where warm (Snow Birds) ... but it is then assumed that they are retired and possibly spending the whole season somewhere like Palm Springs or Arizona.
Right, so here is a picture (I didn't take) of the space surrounding the summer house!
Nature! Great, huh?

I spent Friday evening and most of Saturday reading this great book by Swedish Author Stieg Larsson. The book, "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" is part one of a three-part series. I thought it was great and I am only disappointed that the other two parts haven't yet been translated into English! If you find the book (I think it is on back order online) definitely read it!
When I finished the book I was rather frustrated to have nothing better to look at than my finance homework ... note to self: stop reading so fast! or better yet, bring two books!
On the drive to and from the house I saw a lot of the Danish countryside. After having really only been in Copenhagen it was great to see something else. Maybe you would say rural, I suppose so ... there are lots of fields and I want to use the expression rolling hills but ... It is an incredibly flat country with the highest point somewhere near 140 meters - appx? so these are more like mini-hills : )
Also lots of windmills! Everywhere you looked you could see a windmill! Yay Denmark and your wind powered energy! Denmark is working towards a goal of 15-20% wind powered energy.
(Definitely didn't take these myself ... thanks google images)
And I just wanted to post a few pictures (again that I didn't take myself ... my camera charger is on the way ...) of how beautiful the sunsets and sunrises are here in Denmark. Neither of these really capture how great they really are but hopefully I'll be able to get some better pictures up soon!

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