Monday, August 20, 2007

Con suerte

Another week gone by! A special one with my birthday having been Tuesday. Patty threw a pizza party for me at the apartment, with plenty of chocolate cake and new friends. The whole day was great especially considering I finished Harry Potter after finally getting it in the mail the evening before : ) I definitely could not have been doing anything better that day then finishing the book! It was kind of strange to have my first birthday ever at school ... I only had one class so it wasn't tough and the only hard part was focusing while I wanted to read HP soo bad! Also, I've never had a birthday when it has been too cold to wear a sun dress and flip flops.

It was great to be able to talk to alot of family and friends on my birthday also, it isn't necessarily hard to find a way to call but it just isn't as cheap as I'd prefer (I'd prefer it be free)

I'm putting up a few pictures from the birthday extravaganza and I wish I could get the red-eye out but I can't manage to get any photo editing programs working on the computers here at school.... Scratch that, I'm going to post pictures tomorrow .... my camera just died. Eeeeh.

I am definitely going skiing this weekend! Yay! I'm going to reserve the hostal today and from what I've heard it's better and cheaper to leave here thursday evening and go skiing friday. I think waiting until other groups made it up is going to really help in not getting lost or spending too much money.

Plans are underway for the trip up north in September. I'm planning it with a friend, Kam, from Brown Univ. and who is an amazing photographer/planner extraordinaire! The tentative plan is to fly up to the border of Chile and Peru ... spending a day taking a train into Peru (for $1.50, crazy right?) and spending a few days exploring before making our way down the coast to the town of San Pedro de Atacama which is famous for as being one of the dryest deserts in the world, along with sandboarding, national parks, flamingos, salt flats, and the valley of the moon. All we need to find now are the best prices on plane tickets. I'm sure we'll figure it out.

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