Possibly this weekend : )
Friday I met with my partner for the language exchange which was really great. We spoke in Spanish for an hour ... basically standard questions about school, family, and traveling. It was great to feel like I could (more or less) communicate for so long without english. We had planned to meet Saturday afternoon to talk in English - he plans to go to the U.S. and has never had an english class - but he called to try and reschedule it. Not a huge loss for me I suppose.
Friday night I went out with a group of friends to a discoteca in Valparaìso called El Huevo (The Egg?) which was a fun place. We decided to go early as to avoid waiting outside to get in. Huevo turned out to have 3 floors with 5 or 6 different spaces for dancing, a roof top terrace, and different types of music in each space. Our motivation for going had been the friday dance class which was Salsa. Eliza found out from a Chileno that there were impromptu Salsa lessons at Huevo and that we should check it out. It turned out to be really great and we started out on a floor which was sort of a mix of music, at the beginning a lot of U.S. early 90's music ... read: Spice Girls, Britney, etc. The salsa was fun but by that time we had been there so long it was time to get back home and into my mildly warm bed : )
I'm trying to fight off a bit of a head cold right now ... I found the Chilean equivalent of Dayquil/Nyquil which will keep me sleeping better and functioning throughout the day.
Can't wait for my pizza party tomorrow night, or the prospect of HP FINALLY coming in the mail. It would be a nice treat on my bday but I would prefer it just come asap.
Hope all is well there, thanks for reading.

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