Monday, August 6, 2007

Accident at La Campana

Today Chile celebrates Día de los Niños which is more or less the equivalent of Mother's day or Father's Day but for children. Patty explained that it is purely for commerce but so are the other holidays so it wasn't particularly surprising.

For some, especially fellow 'extranjeros' or foreign exchange students, today wasn't for celebrating. Yesterday a fellow extranjero died hiking through the National Park La Campana in Chile. She was studying abroad from Seattle University with the ISA program. I had not met her but friends of mine had, our group had also been at the same National Park two weeks ago. It's really tragic and of course could have happened anywhere and to anyone but it does feel a bit more real knowing it was a girl who came for all the same things that my fellow classmates and I came for.

I've got pictures from the weekend to post ... but for now I'm just putting up a link to an article about this story:

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